Sunday, March 11, 2012

Re-install Windows and get it back to normal faster.

Make note of all your Hard Drive names and drive letters, along with the drive letters of CD/DVD and external drives. When you re-install windows, you want to make sure to set all these back to the SAME letters.

Check out your C:\ drive too.

by going to %appdata% (c:\users\username\) and getting the properties on downloads, documents, pictures, videos, and music, i went to location and changed

them to d:\pictures, d:\videos, etc respectively, so that programs by default will always save off the main partition

----- the libraries also will update accordingly wheny ou do it that way
----- you're basically changing windows's main links to 'my documents', 'my pictures', etc by doing that.
----- if i were to reinstall windows, the only data i would be worried about losing if i don't backup would be program settings and temp fiels and stuff that

go into c:\users\username\appdata and stuff like that.
----- but i usually manually backup %appdata%\mozilla %appdata%\adobe %appdata%\whatever trillian's thing is... %appdata%\.purple for pidgin, etc
----- like programs where i made a lot of changes to settings or preferences
----- i back up their appdata folders
----- and re-apply them when i reinstall windows and/or the app (if the app needs to be reinstalled, for being non-portable)

----- backup your %appdata%\mozilla folder, for instance.. then when you reinstall windows, and reinstall firefox , you can literally copy back the backed up

mozilla folder and replace the 'new' one in %appdata% and firefox will be back to the way it was (flash/java might break tlil you reinstall them tho)
----- backup %appdata%\adobe, and re-apply it after installing photoshop if you like any saved presets or settings you did in that program
----- backup %appdata%\.purple for pidgin.
----- %appdata% is literally C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\
----- if you are wondering.
----- but if you do winkey+R (Run) and type %appdata% , it'll take you there directy, much easier to type
----- %userprofile% = C:\Users\\
----- so if you wanna do the relocation of library folders thing, go to %userprofile%
